Someone once said, “As the husband goes, so goes the family.” I would add, “That as the family goes, so goes the church, and as the church goes, so goes the country.” I looked to find the source of the original quote and came away without a definitive source. Nevertheless, I believe whoever said it was a person of insight.
Of late we have seen a movement towards acceptance of the term “non-binary.” This of course refers to the belief by very few that they do not have to accept traditional gender identifiers as male and female. This despite Genesis 1:27 which tells us, “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
Advocates of a non-binary world reject traditional male and female names, traditional male and female clothing, traditional male and female children’s toys, they advocate use of bathrooms and other public facilities based on the gender identified with rather than the actual biological gender, and have even gone so far as to reject sports participation at the most competitive levels based on the biological gender identified at birth.
Non-binary proponents reject use of traditional male/female pronouns preferring use of “they/them” instead or in some cases use of the pronouns of the identified gender.
All of this is of course attributable to Satan of whom Jesus said “…he is the father of lies and there is no truth in him.” (John 8:44). The biblical role of the man has been under attack for a generation or more and, predictably, the outcome is that we now have a generation or more of men that have no idea what it is to be a man much less what it is to model biblical manhood.
Our wives and children deserve strong husbands and fathers, men unafraid to live out loud their relationship with Jesus Christ. Our church needs strong men devoted to God, and our nation needs strong men of deep biblical conviction. If Christian men choose not to lead, others will fill the void.
First Denton needs a strong vibrant men’s ministry, please pray that God will raise up men unafraid to lead, men willing to lead themselves, lead their families, and lead others towards biblical manhood.