Day 6

Written by

Todd Killmeyer

Young Adult Ministry

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, inlove, in faith, in purity. – 1 Timothy 4:12 (ESV)

In this passage Paul is encouraging Timothy, who was leading the churches in Ephesus, to continue to teach soundly and encourage believers by both word and example. This letter was written for Timothy to be able to combat the false teachers that were coming from within the local body of believers. And because of them Timothy was under attack, and from this passage we can gather they were trying to attack Timothy because he was younger. This personal attack on Timothy being young is not all that uncommon today. Many people look down on the next generation, and even make jokes at their expense. But the reality is this generation of Young Adults is currently at the cusp of leading, some are already changing the world. Throughout history God uses Young Adults to change the world. George Whitefield was 26 years old and Jonathan Edwards was 28 years old during the Great Awakening. King David in the Bible was 30 years old when he became King. Florence Nightingale saved thousands of lives during the Crimean War when she was only 34. And Martin Luther was also only 34 when he posted the 95 thesis that lit the fire of the Reformation. The 12 Disciples were aged 13-30 years old when Jesus called them to follow Him.

God uses Young Adults to do great things throughout history and I believe God can use the Young Adults at First Denton to do the same. Please pray for God to help them be, “examples in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity” as it says in 1 Timothy. But also, pray that God would use them to share the Gospel to our community, and to the world around us. Pray for the Young Adults who are seeking a spouse. Pray for the Young Adults prepping for marriage. Pray for the Young Adults and their marriages would be strengthened. Pray for the Young Adults that are starting to and or/trying to start a family. Pray for those young adult women and families who are experiencing a loss of a child. Pray that God would change the lives of our Young Adults, give them a fire to spread the Gospel where God has placed them. Pray for their school, their work, their families, and their children. Pray that there would be Young Adults in our church, that would have a eternal impact on others lives in 2025. Pray that their lives would be lived out in full and glorious worship of our Lord Jesus!