Our Mission

Changed People
Changing Lives
Through Jesus Christ.

Watch our Christmas Eve Service

Changed People Changing Lives

Through Jesus Christ

We invite you to join a family of believers in your community committed to following Jesus and leading others to life transformation through Him.

Watch Our Online Services

Live on Sundays at 9:30 & 11 am

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A video on Church Governance

Before the upcoming church governance vote this Sunday, take a moment to watch this video.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting Event

Join us as we start the new year praying for God's vision for our church in 2025.

View Prayer Calendar

 News & Events

Myrtle Marino Endowed Scholarship

For students of Baylor University
Due April 30

The Myrtle Marino Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2010 with a donation of funds from the estate of Myrtle Nall Marino. The scholarship is gifted yearly to worthy students from the church who have been accepted for admission at, or are already attending, Baylor University in Waco, or another Baylor University campus. For school year 2025-2026, applications must be submitted on or before April 30, 2025, for evaluation by the Scholarship Committee.

First Denton Prays

Wednesday Nights
Fellowship Hall
All ages

We are starting a weekly prayer meeting on Wednesday Nights at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall led by our Senior Adult Pastor, Charlie Morgan. All are invited to join us in regular prayer for our church every week! If you need childcare, you can utilize our children's and student ministries' ongoing Wednesday Night Programming. **Please note we will not meet on Business Meeting Nights**

Young Singles Night

at Topgolf
Topgolf - The Colony
Singles, 35yrs and under
March 28

Young Singles (35 years and under) are welcome to join us for a night at Topgolf in The Colony. Your $25 registration covers appetizers, drinks, and 2 hours of fun golf. All skill levels are welcome. Please email ToddK@firstdenton.org if you plan on coming but not golfing.

Men's Ministry Event

Men's Breakfast

Fellowship Hall
Men, all ages
March 29

Men of all ages are invited to join us at our First Men's Breakfast! Invite your dads, your sons and your grandsons!

5th Family Sunday

And Fellowship Lunch
March 30

We are having a full day of fun geared toward families on the 5th Sunday of March, join us on the 30th at 11am, followed by a Churchwide Lunch in the Fellowship Hall. The 11am service will be extra family-friendly so that your grade school children can attend with you! There will be no Elementary Kids programming and Preschool programming will only be available for birth-3yrs. (Regular adult and children's programming still available at 9:30am). We look forward to a day celebrating our families!

Messiah in the Passover

Fellowship Hall
All Ages
April 5

Gather your family and come experience Messiah in the Passover as presented by Mitch Forman of Chosen People Ministries. The marvelous thing about the Passover is that it not only commemorates a milestone of the past but also connects us to a glorious future. Believers will be affirmed knowing they worship a God who keeps His promises and remains ever faithful. The Passover is a picture of God’s love and salvation. It is a story of forgiveness, deliverance, hope, and reconciliation. The redemption of Israel from Egyptian slavery points us towards an even greater story of deliverance through the promised Messiah of Israel. Childcare registration is linked in the registration description.


April 10

Flourish is a place to experience FRIENDSHIP + WORSHIP + THE WORD all in one place. An event for all women in the Denton community. Make plans now to join us for this special night with other women. Childcare is provided, please register your child by April 6, registration coming soon. Doors open for fellowship at 6:30pm.

First Loves Denton

Families on Mission

Everyone, all ages
April 12

This is a “Families on Mission” opportunity where kids, students, and adults can serve together and share Jesus with our community by inviting our neighbors to Easter services. Meet in the HUB for coffee, doughnuts, instruction, and prayer. Families will be given prepared Easter invite bags and assigned a neighborhood zone within walking distance from the church. The goal is to reach 300 homes with this outreach!

Marino Baylor University Scholarship

Info & Application

at First Denton

  • 1
    Easter is fast approaching! Join us at 8, 9:30 or 11am for Resurrection Sunday on April, 20th. Who can you invite?
  • 2
    Messiah in the Passover demonstration on Saturday, April 5th. Join us by registering with your family on the website. Childcare provided for preschoolers.
  • 3
    5th Family Sunday on Sunday, March 30th. Bring your kids, 4 years and older, with you to the 11am service followed by a churchwide Lunch in the Fellowship Hall!
Anna are you going to church tomorrow?
Yeah! I don't want to miss worship 😉
Me too. Can I sit next to you? 🙏
Sure, of course!

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